Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 |

A February 14, 2020 report from the Federal Bureau of Investigation found a new mechanism for compromising VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) telecommunications using low-cost TV equipment (total supplies cost less than $400 on average). This attack enables criminals to launch a Man-in-the-Middle attack that would allow them to intercept the signal in mid-air. This attack mechanism can have serious repercussions on the maritime, aerospace, and offshore oil drilling industries – all of which are increasingly reliant on VSAT telecommunications.

The FBI recommends implementing the following steps for mitigation:

  • Employ end-to-end encryption for all traffic over VSAT
  • Develop and implement security policies for the entire fleet of vessels and/or aircraft using VSAT
  • Monitor log files for suspicious activity that might by evidence of a compromise

Get in touch with Atlas Cybersecurity to learn more about how we can help keep your vessels safe from these and other cyber attacks.

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